Sunday, January 5 at UU

Dave will share about aimlessness

Tuesday, December 24 at DBT

Loretta and Marge will share about using our practice to care for ourselves and stay present during the holidays.

Sunday, December 22 at UU

Dear Friends,

I hope this finds you enjoying mindful breaths during this busy season.

I will be reflecting on Thay’s 1996 Christmas Eve Winter Retreat Dharma talk shared in the New Hamlet at Plum Village.  Christmas is often described as a festival for children and Thay invites us to consider how the child in us is always alive and maybe we have not had enough time to take care of the child within.  Thay says that now we have an opportunity to help the child within us to be born again and again because the spirit of the child is the Holy Spirit, it is the spirit of the Buddha.
Merry Christmas…Joyeux Noel a vous tous!

A lotus for you


Tuesday, December 17 at DBT

Dear Sangha,

This Tuesday I will be facilitating, and I would like to ask you what is on your heart/mind that you would like addressed. You can express yourself at the beginning of Sangha, if you want, and we will take it from there. I will do my best to share what would be satisfying and helpful for you as you practice the art of mindful living, as offered in our tradition.

I look forward to being with you,

True Enlightenment Garden

Sunday, December 15 at UU

Anita will facilitate

Sunday, December 8 at UU

Loretta will share about how caring for ourselves is a way we care for Mother Earth and we will watch a short video of Thay.