Sunday, April 30

Marge will facilitate the recitation of the Five Mindfulness Trainings

She suggests spending extra time contemplating and practicing with one of the Five Trainings this week, and then sharing your experiences, if desired, during the Dharma sharing time.

Sunday, April 23

Dmitry will facilitate on cultivating loving kindness

Sunday, April 16

Dear friends, 

Please join me this Easter Sunday as I read "The Sutra on Happiness" on such a happy day as Easter. We will walk together and have time for sitting and reflections on how the Buddha's teachings are meaningful in our daily life.

In gratitude,

Sunday, April 9

Dear beautiful Sangha,

We just finished the Order of Interbeing retreat at Deer Park and this is a great opportunity for those of us who went to share some of the post-retreat vibes 😀. The name of the retreat was Turning Outward with Inward Stability, so that will also be our topic for this Sunday. I look forward to seeing you there and then 😊
