Tuesday, January 1 at DBT

Karen will share about about sitting meditation.

Sunday, December 30 at UU

Loretta will facilitate the recitation of the Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings.

Tuesday, December 25 at DBT

If we're a small group, Heather will facilitate deep relaxation.  Please bring a warm blanket and anything else you need to be comfortable.

Sunday, December 23 at UU

Marge will share on meditation in daily life.

Tuesday, December 18 at DBT

Tree will share about Right Concentration “Samadhi” from “The Heart of the Buddha’s Teachings.”

Here is a Dharma talk by Thay that focuses on Right Concentration.

Sunday, December 16 at UU

Anita will share about finding our true home.
Here is a Dharma talk by Thay from a retreat with the theme Finding Our True Home

Tuesday, December 11 at DBT

Marge will share thoughts and experiences of choosing the path of wellbeing during the holiday season.

Sunday, December 9 at UU

Keith will share about using the practice to make ourselves happy.