Tuesday, July 3 at DBT

Rick will facilitate and Keith will share about the Eight Consciousnesses:
Dear Sangha, 
Thay has taught us about the Eight Consciousnesses. These are fundamental to practicing in order to heal and transform our consciousness. We’ll learn what these 8 are and we’ll practice with them to stop, calm, rest, heal and transform ourselves and our world. 
Here is a transcribed Dharma talk by Thay on the Eight Consciousnesses.

Sunday, July 1 at UU

Karen will facilitate the recitation of the Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings.

Tuesday, June 26 at DBT

Marge will share on the Discourse on Knowing the Better Way to Live Alone:
This sutra is not really about living alone, but about living deeply in the very here and now. Waiting until tomorrow is too late!

Sunday, June 24 at UU

Steve will explore metta (loving kindness) meditation.

Here is a guided meditation on loving-kindness and a loving-kindness song.

Tuesday, June 19 at DBT

Karen will share about understanding anger

Sunday, June 17 at UU

Dear Sangha,

This coming Sunday I would like to explore with you the question, What is our deepest desire from our practice? Do you aspire to enlightenment, to ultimate knowing, to dwelling in the Ultimate with full awareness that you are doing so? What is enlightenment? Can we achieve that? What is our highest human potential and how do we activate it? I trust this will make for a rich experience and I look forward to sharing it with you.


Tuesday, June 12 at DBT

Dear Sangha,

Thay’s book, The Art of Living, is in many ways the culminating fruit of his seven decades of study, practice and teaching.  He developed his deepest teachings during the three-month winter retreat with the monastics and a few lay friends, and then condensed it into the 21-day retreat held every other year in Plum Village. This book is the teachings he presented at his last 21-day retreat, in June 2014. It is a true gem centered on seven concentrations: emptiness, signlessness, aimlessness, impermanence, non-desire, profound release, and nirvana. I look forward to exploring it with you.


Sunday, June 10 at UU

Marge will facilitate:
According to the Buddha, there are four kinds of nutriments: edible food, sensory impressions, volition, and consciousness.  The Fifth Mindfulness Training addresses consumption and preserving peace, joy and well-being through mindful consumption.  I invite the sangha to consider how we may eat in a way that we try not to cover up loneliness, anxiety, or other suffering by losing ourselves in consumption.  Steve will lead walking meditation.

Tuesday, June 5 at DBT

Anita will share about The Empty Space, a chapter from Sister Dang Nghiem's book, Healing.

Sunday, June 3 at UU

Sabina will share about taking care of anger.

Here is Thay's answer to “How can we let go of anger?”