Sunday, October 20 at UU

Dear Friends,

Thay has said the purpose of our practice is to enable us to live every moment of our lives deeply. He has also said we already are everything we want to become. This suggests that our problem is a lack of mindfulness of the reality we already are. Thay also teaches us that we suffer from a fundamental delusion that we are separate beings in a world of separate beings, and that what is needed is the insight that we are not separate from anything and everything. This is the meaning of Interbeing. Interbeing is the nature of reality and all that is required of us to live our lives deeply and with the maximum amount of joy, happiness and peace possible, and the least possible amount of suffering, is that we wake up to the reality of Interbeing. Our practice is designed to help us wake up. Grounded in this awakened way of being, we will be able to communicate this possibility to others and to show them the way to true happiness. This is the process of transforming ourselves and our world. Join us as we use our practice to deepen our experience of being alive, soften our defenses, and master the art of being relaxed and free, filled with love and overflowing with joy as we go through our lives. Along the way we will honestly acknowledge and transform our suffering and the suffering of our loved ones and our world. Thay said our practice is a gentle encounter with reality.

I look forward to being with you,

True Enlightenment Garden