Tuesday, June 18 at DBT

Dear Friends,


We suffer from habits of mind.

Our practice is to train our minds, so we do not create suffering, so we create joy, happiness, peace, wellbeing, the mind of love, enlightenment, Nirvana, etc. We can subsume all of these under the label WELLBEING, the fourth of the Four Noble Truths, which is the Noble Eightfold Path, which is our path, our practice.

Understanding our mind, we know when our habits are creating suffering and we know not to let that continue, and we know how to respond and change to creating habits that generate wellbeing.

We will practice the Art of Living, as Thich Nhat Hanh has called it, together, and create habits of wellbeing, for ourselves, our loved ones, all of human kind, the earth and all beings.

I look forward to being with you.


Universal Emptiness of the Heart
True Enlightenment Garden