In our tradition we are encouraged to cultivate awareness of suffering and look deeply to help us develop compassion and find ways out of suffering. At the same time we are encouraged to dwell happily in the present moment. Are these intentions incompatible? How do we bear witness to suffering when our world is on fire and still live in a way where conditions of happiness are nourishing us? I consider this the art of living. With the tools that Buddha and Thay have offered we can cultivate a practice that lights our path and penetrates all areas of our lives. Hope to see you this Sunday.
practicing mindfulness in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh.
Meeting in person: SUNDAYS 4-5:30 pm PST
Bard Hall at
First Unitarian Universalist Church (UU)4190 Front St, San Diego CA 92103
Parking is provided in the Ace lot with a church pass (available onsite)
Sunday, February 11 at UU
Pete will share on “Nourishing Happiness and Caring for Suffering:”